Using Word Roots to Learn Vocabulary

Recognizing common word roots can help you guess and learn unknown words more easily. This worksheet packet lets you practice more than 30 useful Latin and Greek roots.
- Memory Game explanation & cards*
- A list of Common Prefixes and Suffixes for Roots
- Introduction to Roots with root-prefix combinations that are easy to guess (Choose the Best Prefix…”) & Answers
- Individual worksheets on words from cedere (concede, excessive, precedent, etc.), quaerere (inquire, request, require), ponere (compose, disposition, oppose, proponent) & Answers
- Roots related to Our Senses, & Answers
- Greek Roots & Answers
- English-Spanish cognate roots and a practice worksheet or quiz with Answers
* There are 12 memory cards each (8 per sheet) for words from cedere, quaerere, ponere, and mixed root (from the Intro/Prefix review) practice. You can print them to use for a game of solitaire or for practice with friends. The memory game cards can also be used as flashcards if meanings are glued onto the backs.
Other worksheet activities include gap-fill exercises, multiple choice, and matching exercises. They start with words that are easy to figure out using the root and prefix meanings. Then you will study a few academic words that are not so simple to understand from the roots.